Access Infrastructure Mode

If you have a WPS-enabled router, follow the instructions here.

OBDLink MX Wi-Fi can be configured to connect to any existing Wi-Fi network using Infrastructure Mode by following these steps:

  • Quickly press MX’s button 3 times
  • Select ‘OBDLink MX’ from a list of available networks on your phone/tablet
  • Point your phone/tablet’s web browser to
  • Tap the box under ‘Network Mode’, select Client (Infrastructure)
  • Tap ‘Refresh List’, and select your network name from the list
  • Enter the password for your router in the ‘Passphrase’ field
  • After making network changes, tap ‘Save & Reboot’
  • Open the OBDLink app and start using it!

Note: Wi-Fi connection will be dropped upon Web Configuration reboot. If an Android dialog box pops up stating ‘Connection problem’, tap OK.